NAE Member Crittenden Awarded “CAS President International Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists”

  • [2015-07-22]

    On the morning of July 20, USTC held a ceremony where Vice President CHEN Chusheng, on behalf of CAS and USTC presented the certificate of “CAS President International Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists” to Dr. Crittenden. 

     Dr. Crittenden is director of the Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems, Hightower Chair Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Georgia Institute of Technology, and a Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in environmental protection technology. He was elected a member of the US National Academy of Engineering in 2002 and a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2013. Dr. Crittenden is one of a hundred most influential contemporary chemical engineers in the U.S. and a most distinguished physical chemist of the country. 

    After the ceremony, Dr. Crittenden made a lecture entitled “infrastructure ecology: an evolving paradigm for sustainable urban development”. In light of global issues such as environmental pollution and resource depletions caused by fast industrial development and population explosion, Prof. Crittenden used Atlanta as an example in his lecture to highlight the relationship among nature, human society and economy, emphasized the necessity to transform urban infrastructure, and discussed feasible ways to solve relevant problems and establish sustainable urban systems. 

    Dr. Crittenden is a recipient of the CAS President International Fellowship for Distinguished Scientists in 2015. The International Fellowship program provides funding and international travel expenses for each distinguished scholar (50,000 RMB per week), visiting scholar (20,000-40,000 RMB per month) and postdoctoral researcher (200,000 RMB per year). USTC has won sixteen CAS President International Fellowship since 2015, all of which are currently in smooth operation. 

    ZHOU Zhengkai, Office of International Cooperation

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