Changjiang Scholars Program of Ministry of Education of China –Chair Professor


“Cheung Kong (Changjiang) Scholars Program”, jointly sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Li Ka Shing Foundation,  was initiated in August 1998. The Program makes grants to distinguished professors and chair professors, and awards prizes to Changjiang scholars for outstanding achievements. Each year, 50 chair professors are appointed under the Program, each with a three-year term of appointment.

Qualifications and conditions:
  1. An applicant shall be prepared to work and live in the People’s Republic of China, and have a high moral standard and a serious attitude on research;
  2. An applicant shall be involved in the first line of teaching or research overseas, hold an associate professorship or above, or equivalent position in a first-rate university; be 55 years of age or younger (for a natural science position) or 60 years of age or younger (for a humanities/social science position), except for an applicant with extraordinary achievements;
  3. An applicant shall be well-versed in his/her field of specialization, with important achievements generally recognized internationally;
  4. An applicant shall undertake to work at USTC for more than two months each year during the term of this appointment.

Provisions for the appointment and compensation:
  1. In addition to the regular salary, benefits and insurance coverage to be provided according to the government regulations, USTC shall provide an monthly position subsidy of not less than 30,000 RMB for a Chair Professor on the basis of his/her actual working time;
  2. USTC shall provide some research funding in accordance with relevant government regulations and the need of the program involved; and
  3. USTC shall provide good working and living conditions.

Application procedure:

Time of application:
once a year, to be specified by MOE. (USTC accepts application materials all the year round.)

Application materials:
  1. For university review:
    1)Two copies of resume (including basic personal data, education and work experience, main academic achievements, information on projects undertaken, a list of publications, patents and awards, etc.)
    2)An applicant shall submit materials as specified in article 2 below once his/her application is officially recommended by the University after its review.
  2. For official application:
    A. Hard Copy:
        1) Application form in three copies, generated by the application software (to be downloaded at official Changjiang scholars program website);
        2) One set of bounded appendices, including
            a) Table of contents with page number;
            b) Proof of all projects participated, awards obtained and patents issued;
            c) Full text of 5 representative publications specified in the application form, plus the cover and table of contents pages of the containing  magazines;
            d) SCI、EI、SSCI citation report of publication record, prepared by an authenticated library agency;
            e) Employment letter from current employer;
            f) Photocopy of position/speech invitation letter for leading field organization/conference;
            g) If a field expert's positive evaluation of the applicant is cited in the application materials, please provide the proof.
    B. Electronic Copy:
        1) Word document generated by the application software;
        2) A single document of appendices in pdf format, zipped if necessary, with size no larger than 10M.

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